Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Before & After: Make A Splash

Lorelei and I were out throwing rocks into the water after a short walk the other day and she just so happened to giggle and laugh while picking up one of the biggest rocks she saw and tossed it into the water. The first toss, she didn't quite make it and the second toss she said "look mom. I can just do this." She walked into the water in her sneakers. Oh, well. She had fun and so did I!

Searching for the best rock on the beach of course.

Hmmm. To throw or not to throw. That is the question.

Well, lets think about this. This rock kind of looks like a baby dolphin so I might keep this one. 
(She was filling my pockets full of rocks that, well..looked like baby dolphins.)

You Capture: Smile
Ah. Now there's a rock. "Look at that mom."


Kersploosh and we have a winner.

Here is that before and after I promised.

f/5.6 ISO 100 Shutter Speed 9.38 

Picasa, I'm Feeling Lucky

Picasa, I'm Feeling Lucky + Plus 4x6 crop

It was probably the easiest fix ever known. I certainly was "lucky."


  1. What fun shots - I love the blue of the water, especially after your edit. Great job!

  2. what fun captures! looks like you guys had a great time! Love your edit... definitely made the photo pop!! :)

  3. Your first photo is just lovely, the angle of the shot and everything about it. Wonderful edits too - I am hopeless at editing, so it is always interesting to see what others can do.

  4. Great splash capture! I really like the second edit!

  5. Oh wow... love the colors of the rocks. What a fabulous crop!


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